purl 1
/perrl/ , v.t. , v.i.
1. to knit with a reverse stitch.
2. to finish with loops or a looped edging.
3. a basic stitch in knitting, the reverse of the knit, formed by pulling a loop of the working yarn back through an existing stitch and then slipping that stitch off the needle. Cf. knit (def. 11).
4. one of a series of small loops along the edge of lace braid.
5. thread made of twisted gold or silver wire.
Also, pearl .
[ 1520-30; var. of obs. or dial. pirl to twist (threads, etc.) into a cord ]
purl 2
/perrl/ , v.i.
1. to flow with curling or rippling motion, as a shallow stream does over stones.
2. to flow with a murmuring sound.
3. to pass in a manner or with a sound likened to this.
4. the action or sound of purling.
5. a circle or curl made by the motion of water; ripple; eddy.
[ 1545-55; orig. uncert.; akin to Norw purla to bubble up, gush ]