quad 1
/kwod/ , n. Informal.
a quadrangle, as on a college campus.
[ 1810-20; shortened form ]
quad 2
/kwod/ , n. , v. , quadded, quadding . Print.
1. Also called quadrat . a piece of type metal of less height than the lettered types, serving to cause a blank in printed matter, used for spacing.
2. to space out (matter) by means of quads.
[ 1875-80; short for QUADRAT ]
quad 3
/kwod/ , n. Informal.
a quadruplet.
[ 1895-1900; shortened form ]
quad 4
/kwod/ , Informal.
1. quadraphonic.
2. quadraphonic sound, or an electronic system for reproducing it: The recording sounded best in quad.
[ by shortening ]
quad 5
/kwod/ , adj.
1. designating or comprising four persons or things: rates for quad occupancy; a quad-level house.
2. Informal. quadruple occupancy: Rates are based on quad.
[ shortening of QUADRUPLE or words formed with QUADRI- ]
quad 6
/kwod/ , n. Informal.
quadriplegic: a special ward for quads.
[ by shortening ]