Meaning of QUADRATE in English

adj. , n. /kwod"rit, -rayt/ ; v. /kwod"rayt/ , adj., n., v., quadrated, quadrating .


1. square or rectangular.

2. Zool. of or pertaining to the quadrate.

3. Heraldry. (of a cross) having an enlarged square at the junction of the limbs: a cross quadrate.


4. a square.

5. something square or rectangular.

6. Zool. one of a pair of bones in the skulls of many lower vertebrates, to which the lower jaw is articulated.


7. to cause to conform or harmonize; adapt.


8. to agree; conform.

[ 1350-1400; ME quadrat (n. and adj.) quadratus (ptp. of quadrare to make square) ]

Random House Webster's Unabridged English dictionary.      Полный английский словарь Вебстер - Random House .