Meaning of RAFTER in English

rafter 1

/raf"teuhr, rahf"-/ , n.

1. any of a series of timbers or the like, usually having a pronounced slope, for supporting the sheathing and covering of a roof.


2. Brit. Dial. to plow (a field) so that the soil of a furrow is pushed over onto an unplowed adjacent strip.

[ bef. 900; ME; OE raefter; c. MLG rafter, ON raptr. See RAFT 1 ]

rafter 2

/raf"teuhr, rahf"-/ , n.

1. a person who engages in the sport or pastime of rafting.

2. a person who travels on a raft, esp. to flee a country.

rafter 3

/raf"teuhr, rahf"-/ , n.

a flock, esp. of turkeys.

[ RAFT 2 + -ER 1 ]

Random House Webster's Unabridged English dictionary.      Полный английский словарь Вебстер - Random House .