Meaning of RECYCLE in English

— recyclable , adj. — recyclability , n. — recycler, recyclist , n.

/ree suy"keuhl/ , v. , recycled, recycling , n.


1. to treat or process (used or waste materials) so as to make suitable for reuse: recycling paper to save trees.

2. to alter or adapt for new use without changing the essential form or nature of: The old factory is being recycled as a theater.

3. to use again in the original form or with minimal alteration: The governor recycled some speeches from his early days.

4. to cause to pass through a cycle again: to recycle laundry through a washing machine.


5. to pass through a cycle again; repeat a process from the beginning.

6. to undergo reuse or renewal; be subject to or suitable for further use, activity, etc.: The industry will recycle and become profitable once more.


7. the act or process of recycling.

[ 1925-30; RE- + CYCLE ]

Random House Webster's Unabridged English dictionary.      Полный английский словарь Вебстер - Random House .