— reliability, reliableness , n. — reliably , adv.
/ri luy"euh beuhl/ , adj.
that may be relied on; dependable in achievement, accuracy, honesty, etc.: reliable information.
[ 1560-70; RELY + -ABLE ]
Syn . trusty, authentic, consistent. RELIABLE, INFALLIBLE, TRUSTWORTHY apply to persons, objects, ideas, or information that can be depended upon with confident certainty. RELIABLE suggests consistent dependability of judgment, character, performance, or result: a reliable formula, judge, car, meteorologist. INFALLIBLE suggests the complete absence of error, breakdown, or poor performance: an infallible test, system, marksman. TRUSTWORTHY emphasizes the steady and honest dependability which encourages one's confidence, belief, or trust: trustworthy and accurate reports.
Ant . undependable, questionable, deceitful.