— renounceable, renunciable /reuh nun"see euh beuhl, -shee-/ , adj. — renouncement , n. — renouncer , n.
/ri nowns"/ , v. , renounced, renouncing , n.
1. to give up or put aside voluntarily: to renounce worldly pleasures.
2. to give up by formal declaration: to renounce a claim.
3. to repudiate; disown: to renounce one's son.
4. Cards.
a. to play a card of a different suit from that led.
b. to abandon or give up a suit led.
c. to fail to follow the suit led.
5. Cards. an act or instance of renouncing.
[ 1325-75; ME renouncen renoncer renuntiare to bring back word, disclaim, equiv. to re- RE- + nuntiare to announce, deriv. of nuntius messenger, news ]
Syn. 1. forsake, forgo, forswear, leave, quit. See abandon 1 . 2. resign, abdicate. 3. disclaim, reject, disavow, deny.
Ant. 1. claim. 3. accept.