Meaning of REPAST in English

n. /ri past", -pahst", ree"past, -pahst/ ; v. /ri past", -pahst"/ , n.

1. a quantity of food taken or provided for one occasion of eating: to eat a light repast.

2. a meal: the evening repast.

3. the time during which a meal is eaten; mealtime.

4. Archaic. the taking of food, as at a meal.

5. Obs. food.


6. to eat or feast (often fol. by on or upon ).

[ 1300-50; ME (n.) past pastus fodder) of repaistre to eat a meal repascere to feed regularly, equiv. to L re - RE- + pascere to feed (cf. PASTURE) ]

Random House Webster's Unabridged English dictionary.      Полный английский словарь Вебстер - Random House .