/ri zem"bleuhns/ , n.
1. the state or fact of resembling; similarity.
2. a degree, kind, or point of likeness.
3. a likeness, appearance, or semblance of something.
[ 1350-1400; ME resembl ( er ) to RESEMBLE + -ance -ANCE ]
Syn. 1. RESEMBLANCE, SIMILARITY imply that there is a likeness between two or more people or things. RESEMBLANCE indicates primarily a likeness in appearance, either a striking one or one which merely serves as a reminder to the beholder: The boy has a strong resemblance to his father. SIMILARITY may imply a surface likeness, but usually suggests also a likeness in other characteristics: There is a similarity in their tastes and behavior. 2. analogy, similitude. 3. image.
Ant. 1. difference.