— rupturable , adj.
/rup"cheuhr/ , n. , v. , ruptured, rupturing .
1. the act of breaking or bursting: The flood led to the rupture of the dam.
2. the state of being broken or burst: a rupture in the earth's surface.
3. a breach of harmonious, friendly, or peaceful relations.
4. Pathol. hernia, esp. abdominal hernia.
5. to break or burst: He ruptured a blood vessel.
6. to cause a breach of: to rupture friendly relations.
7. Pathol. to affect with hernia.
8. to suffer a break or rupture.
[ 1475-85; ruptura (n.), equiv. to rupt ( us ) (ptp. of rumpere to break) + -ura -URE ]
Syn. 2. fracture, break, split, burst. 5. fracture, split, disrupt.
Ant. 2. seam, union. 5. unite.