— rustical , adj. — rustically, rusticly , adv. — rusticalness, rusticness , n.
/rus"tik/ , adj.
1. of, pertaining to, or living in the country, as distinguished from towns or cities; rural.
2. simple, artless, or unsophisticated.
3. uncouth, rude, or boorish.
4. made of roughly dressed limbs or roots of trees, as garden seats.
5. (of stonework) having the surfaces rough or irregular and the joints sunken or beveled.
6. a country person.
7. an unsophisticated country person.
[ 1400-50; late ME rusticus, equiv. to rus the country (see RURAL) + -ticus adj. suffix ]
Syn. 1. See rural .
Ant. 1. urban.