salve 1
/sav, sahv/ , n. , v. , salved, salving .
1. a medicinal ointment for healing or relieving wounds and sores.
2. anything that soothes, mollifies, or relieves.
3. to soothe with or as if with salve; assuage: to salve one's conscience.
[ bef. 900; (n.) ME; OE sealf; c. G Salbe salve, Skt sarpis melted butter; (v.) ME salven, OE sealfian ]
Syn. 3. ease, alleviate, mollify.
salve 2
/salv/ , v.i., v.t., salved, salving .
to save from loss or destruction; to salvage.
[ 1700-10; back formation from SALVAGE ]
salve 3
/sal"vee/ ; Lat. /sahl"way/ , interj.
[ 1400-50; late ME salve! lit., be in good health!; cf. SALUTE ]