— satisfiable , adj. — satisfier , n. — satisfyingly , adv. — satisfyingness , n.
/sat"is fuy'/ , v. , satisfied, satisfying .
1. to fulfill the desires, expectations, needs, or demands of (a person, the mind, etc.); give full contentment to: The hearty meal satisfied him.
2. to put an end to (a desire, want, need, etc.) by sufficient or ample provision: The hearty meal satisfied his hunger.
3. to give assurance to; convince: to satisfy oneself by investigation.
4. to answer sufficiently, as an objection.
5. to solve or dispel, as a doubt.
6. to discharge fully (a debt, obligation, etc.).
7. to make reparation to or for: to satisfy an offended person; to satisfy a wrong.
8. to pay (a creditor).
9. Math.
a. to fulfill the requirements or conditions of: to satisfy a theorem.
b. (of a value of an unknown) to change (an equation) into an identity when substituted for the unknown: x = 2 satisfies 3 x = 6.
10. to give satisfaction.
[ 1400-50; late ME satisfien satisfier satisficare (for L satisfacere to do enough; see SATISFACTION); see -FY ]
Syn. 1. gratify, appease, pacify, please. SATISFY, CONTENT refer to meeting one's desires or wishes. TO SATISFY is to meet to the full one's wants, expectations, etc.: to satisfy a desire to travel. TO CONTENT is to give enough to keep one from being disposed to find fault or complain: to content oneself with a moderate meal. 3. persuade.