Meaning of SCARCE in English

— scarceness , n.

/skairs/ , adj., scarcer, scarcest , adv.


1. insufficient to satisfy the need or demand; not abundant: Meat and butter were scarce during the war.

2. seldom met with; rare: a scarce book.

3. make oneself scarce , Informal.

a. to depart, esp. suddenly.

b. to stay away; avoid.


4. scarcely.

[ 1250-1300; ME scars e ) scars excarpsus plucked out, for L excerptus; see EXCERPT ]

Syn. 1. deficient. 2. uncommon, infrequent.

Ant. 1. abundant.

Random House Webster's Unabridged English dictionary.      Полный английский словарь Вебстер - Random House .