scat 1
/skat/ , v.i. , scatted, scatting . Informal.
to go off hastily (often used in the imperative).
[ 1865-70, Amer.; of uncert. orig. ]
scat 2
/skat/ , v. , scatted, scatting , n. Jazz.
1. to sing by making full or partial use of the technique of scat singing.
2. See scat singing .
[ 1925-30; of uncert. orig. ]
scat 3
/skat/ , n.
the excrement of an animal.
[ 1925-30; orig. uncert.; cf. Brit. dial. (SW) scat to scatter, fling down, bespatter; Gk skat- (s. of skôr dung; see SCATO-) is unlikely source, given popular character of the word and unmotivated derivation pattern ]
scat 4
/skat/ , n. Slang.
[ 1945-50; of uncert. orig.; cf. earlier scat (slang) whiskey ]
scat 5
/skat/ , n.
(in the Shetland and Orkney Islands) a crown tax, as for use of common lands.
Also, scatt .
[ 1300-50; ME skattr tax, treasure ]