scrubber 1
/skrub"euhr/ , n.
1. a person who scrubs.
2. a device or process for removing pollutants from smoke or gas produced by burning high-sulfur fuels.
3. a machine or appliance used in scrubbing: an automatic floor scrubber.
[ 1830-40; SCRUB 1 + -ER 1 ]
scrubber 2
/skrub"euhr/ , n.
1. a mongrel, esp. a mongrel steer.
2. a thin or stunted steer.
3. Australian.
a. an inhabitant of the bush.
b. any domestic animal that has run off into the bush and become wild, esp. a steer.
[ 1855-60; SCRUB 2 + -ER 1 ]
scrubber 3
/skrub"er/ , n. Brit. Slang.
a prostitute or promiscuous woman.
[ 1955-60; variously explained as sense development of either SCRUBBER 1 or SCRUBBER 2 ; cf. earlier scrub in same sense ]