Meaning of SEWER in English

sewer 1

— sewerless , adj. — sewerlike , adj.

/sooh"euhr/ , n.

1. an artificial conduit, usually underground, for carrying off waste water and refuse, as in a town or city.


2. to provide or equip with sewers: a tax increase necessary to sewer the neighborhood.

[ 1375-1425; late ME suer ( e ) se ( u ) wiere overflow channel (cf. OF ess ( e ) ouer ( e ) ditch) exaquaria drain for carrying water off, equiv. to L ex- EX- + aqu ( a ) water + -aria, fem. of -arius -ARY; see SEW 2 , -ER 2 ]

sewer 2

/soh"euhr/ , n.

a person or thing that sews.

[ 1350-1400; ME; see SEW 1 , -ER 1 ]

sewer 3

/sooh"euhr/ , n.

a former household officer or head servant in charge of the service of the table.

[ 1300-50; ME, aph. asseour seater, equiv. to OF asse ( oir ) to seat ( assidere to attend upon; see ASSIDUOUS) + -our -OR 2 ]

Random House Webster's Unabridged English dictionary.      Полный английский словарь Вебстер - Random House .