— simulative, simulatory /sim"yeuh leuh tawr'ee, -tohr'ee/ , adj. — simulatively , adv.
v. /sim"yeuh layt'/ ; adj. /sim"yeuh lit, -layt'/ , v. , simulated, simulating , adj.
1. to create a simulation, likeness, or model of (a situation, system, or the like): to simulate crisis conditions.
2. to make a pretense of; feign: to simulate knowledge.
3. to assume or have the appearance or characteristics of: He simulated the manners of the rich.
4. Archaic. simulated.
[ 1400-50; late ME (adj.) simulatus (ptp. of simulare ), equiv. to simul- (var. of simil-, base of similis SIMILAR) + -atus -ATE 1 ]
Syn. 2. pretend, counterfeit. 3. affect.