skipper 1
/skip"euhr/ , n.
1. the master or captain of a vessel, esp. of a small trading or fishing vessel.
2. a captain or leader, as of a team.
3. to act as skipper of.
[ 1350-1400; ME schipper, equiv. to schip SHIP + - er -ER 1 ]
skipper 2
/skip"euhr/ , n.
1. a person or thing that skips.
2. any of various insects that hop or fly with jerky motions.
3. any of numerous quick-flying, lepidopterous insects of the family Hesperiidae, closely related to the true butterflies.
4. saury (def. 1).
[ 1200-50; ME: locust. See SKIP 1 , -ER 1 ]