/skungk/ , n. , pl. skunks , ( esp. collectively ) skunk , v.
1. a small North American mammal, Mephitis mephitis, of the weasel family, having a black coat with a white, V-shaped stripe on the back, and ejecting a fetid odor when alarmed or attacked.
2. any of several related or similar animals. Cf. hog-nosed skunk, spotted skunk .
3. Informal. a thoroughly contemptible person.
4. U.S. Navy Slang. an unidentified ship or target.
5. Slang. to defeat thoroughly in a game, esp. while keeping an opponent from scoring: The team skunked the favorites in the crucial game.
[ 1625-35, Amer.; šeka·kwa (deriv. of * šek - urinate + - a·kw fox, foxlike animal ]