snaffle 1
/snaf"euhl/ , n. , v. , snaffled, snaffling .
1. Also called snaffle bit . a bit, usually jointed in the middle and without a curb, with a large ring at each end to which a rein and cheek strap are attached.
2. to put a snaffle on (a horse).
3. to control with or as with a snaffle.
[ 1525-35; orig. uncert.; cf. OFris snavel mouth, D snavel, G Schnabel beak, bill ]
snaffle 2
/snaf"euhl/ , v.t., snaffled, snaffling . Brit. Informal.
to appropriate for one's own use, esp. by devious means; purloin; filch.
[ 1715-25; orig. uncert. ]