— sniveler; esp. Brit., sniveller , n.
/sniv"euhl/ , v. , sniveled, sniveling or ( esp. Brit. ) snivelled, snivelling , n.
1. to weep or cry with sniffling.
2. to affect a tearful state; whine.
3. to run at the nose; have a runny nose: She sniveled from the cold.
4. to draw up mucus audibly through the nose: Stop sniveling and use your handkerchief.
5. to utter with sniveling or sniffling.
6. weak, whining, or pretended weeping.
7. a light sniffle, as in weeping.
8. a hypocritical show of feeling: a sentimental snivel.
9. mucus running from the nose.
10. snivels , a sniveling condition; a slight cold; sniffles (usually prec. by the ).
[ 1275-1325; ME snyvele; cf. OE snyflung (ger.), deriv. of snofl mucus; c. LG snüfeln ]