sough 1
— soughfully , adv. — soughless , adj.
/sow, suf/ , v.i.
1. to make a rushing, rustling, or murmuring sound: the wind soughing in the meadow.
2. Scot. and North Eng. to speak, esp. to preach, in a whining, singsong voice.
3. a sighing, rustling, or murmuring sound.
4. Scot. and North Eng.
a. a sigh or deep breath.
b. a whining, singsong manner of speaking.
c. a rumor; unconfirmed report.
[ bef. 900; (v.) ME swoghen, OE swogan to make a noise; c. OS swogan, OE swegan, Goth -swogjan; (n.) ME swow, swo ( u ) gh, deriv. of the v. ]
sough 2
/suf, sow/ , Brit.
1. drain; drainage ditch, gutter, or sewer.
2. a swampy or marshy area.
3. to drain (land or a mine) by building drainage ditches or the like.
Also, esp. Scot., sugh .
[ 1250-1300; ME sogh, sohn zoeg little ditch ]