sprag 1
/sprag/ , n. , v. , spragged, spragging .
1. a pole or bar hinged to the rear axle of a cart or the like in such a way that it can brace the vehicle against a road to prevent it from rolling downhill.
2. Mining. a short timber for propping up loose walls or spacing two sets.
3. to prop, support, or immobilize (a vehicle) by means of a sprag.
4. to slow a vehicle by means of a sprag or, sometimes, by bracing the feet against the ground.
[ 1835-45; special use of dial. sprag twig (OE spraecg shoot, slip); akin to SPRIG ]
sprag 2
/sprag/ , n.
a young cod.
[ 1700-10; special use of dial. sprag twig, lively young man; see SPRAG 1 and for meaning, cf. SPRIG ]