— substitutable , adj. — substitutability , n. — substituter , n. — substitutingly , adv. — substitution , n. — substitutional, substitutionary /sub'sti tooh"sheuh ner'ee, -tyooh"-/ , adj. — substitutionally , adv.
/sub"sti tooht', -tyooht'/ , n. , v. , substituted, substituting , adj.
1. a person or thing acting or serving in place of another.
2. (formerly) a person who, for payment, served in an army or navy in the place of a conscript.
3. Gram. a word that functions as a replacement for any member of a class of words or constructions, as do in He doesn't know but I do.
4. to put (a person or thing) in the place of another.
5. to take the place of; replace.
6. Chem. to replace (one or more elements or groups in a compound) by other elements or groups.
7. to act as a substitute.
8. of or pertaining to a substitute or substitutes.
9. composed of substitutes.
[ 1350-1400; ME substitutus (ptp. of substituere to put in place of), equiv. to sub- SUB- + -stitu-, comb. form of statu-, ptp. s. of statuere (see SUBSTITUENT) + -tus ptp. suffix ]
Syn. 1. alternative, replacement, equivalent.