— subtracter , n.
/seuhb trakt"/ , v.t.
1. to withdraw or take away, as a part from a whole.
2. Math. to take (one number or quantity) from another; deduct.
3. to take away something or a part, as from a whole.
[ 1530-40; subtractus (ptp. of subtrahere to draw away from underneath), equiv. to sub- SUB- + trac- (ptp. s. of trahere to draw) + -tus ptp. suffix ]
Syn. 1, 3. SUBTRACT, DEDUCT express diminution in sum or quantity. To SUBTRACT suggests taking a part from a whole or a smaller from a larger: to subtract the tax from one's salary. To DEDUCT is to take away an amount or quantity from an aggregate or total so as to lessen or lower it: to deduct a discount. SUBTRACT is both transitive and intransitive, and has general or figurative uses; DEDUCT is always transitive and usually concrete and practical in application.
Ant. 1-3. add.