— terpeneless , adj. — terpenic /terr pee"nik/ , adj.
/terr"peen/ , n. Chem.
1. (originally) any of a class of monocyclic hydrocarbons of the formula C 10 H 16 , obtained from plants.
2. this class or any of its oxygenated derivatives, any hydrocarbon from the same source having the formula C 5 H 8 (hemiterpene) , the formula C 10 H 16 with an aliphatic structure (acyclic terpene) or two-ringed structure (bicyclic terpene) , the formula C 15 H 24 (sesquiterpene) , etc., and any of their oxygenated derivatives.
[ 1865-70; alter. of TEREBENE, with p from TURPENTINE ]