Meaning of THATCH in English

— thatchless , adj. — thatchy , adj.

/thach/ , n.

1. Also, thatching . a material, as straw, rushes, leaves, or the like, used to cover roofs, grain stacks, etc.

2. a covering of such a material.

3. the leaves of various palms that are used for thatching.

4. something resembling thatch on a roof, esp. thick hair covering the head: a thatch of unruly red hair.

5. Hort. a tightly bound layer of dead grass, including leaves, stems, and roots, that builds up on the soil surface at the base of the living grass of a lawn.


6. to cover with or as if with thatch.

7. Hort. to remove thatch from (a lawn); dethatch.

[ bef. 900; (v.) ME thacchen, var. (with a from thak > dial. thack ) of thecchen, OE theccan to cover, hide; c. D dekken (see DECK), G decken, ON thekja; (n.) ME thacche, var. (with ch from the v.) of thak ]

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