/thee"sis/ , n. , pl. theses /-seez/ .
1. a proposition stated or put forward for consideration, esp. one to be discussed and proved or to be maintained against objections: He vigorously defended his thesis on the causes of war.
2. a subject for a composition or essay.
3. a dissertation on a particular subject in which one has done original research, as one presented by a candidate for a diploma or degree.
4. Music. the downward stroke in conducting; downbeat. Cf. arsis (def. 1).
5. Pros.
a. a part of a metrical foot that does not bear the ictus or stress.
b. (less commonly) the part of a metrical foot that bears the ictus. Cf. arsis (def. 2).
6. Philos. See under Hegelian dialectic .
[ 1350-1400; ME thésis a setting down, something set down, equiv. to the- (s. of tithénai to put, set down) + -sis -SIS ]
Syn. 1. theory, contention, proposal.