thou 1
/dhow/ , pron., sing., nom. thou; poss. thy or thine; obj. thee; pl., nom. you or ye; poss. your or yours; obj. you or ye; v.
1. Archaic ( except in some elevated or ecclesiastical prose ) the personal pronoun of the second person singular in the nominative case (used to denote the person or thing addressed): Thou shalt not kill.
2. (used by the Friends) a familiar form of address of the second person singular.
3. to address as "thou."
4. to use "thou" in discourse.
[ bef. 900; ME; OE thu; c. G, MD du, ON thu, Goth thu, OIr tú, Welsh, Cornish ti, L tu, Doric Gk tý, Lith tù, OCS ty; akin to Skt tvam; (v.) late ME thowen, deriv. of the pronoun ]
thou 2
/thow/ , n. , pl. thous , ( as after a numeral ) thou . Slang.
one thousand dollars, pounds, etc.
[ 1865-70; by shortening ]