— toggler , n.
/tog"euhl/ , n. , v. , toggled, toggling .
1. a pin, bolt, or rod placed transversely through a chain, an eye or loop in a rope, etc., as to bind it temporarily to another chain or rope similarly treated.
2. a toggle joint, or a device having one.
3. an ornamental, rod-shaped button for inserting into a large buttonhole, loop, or frog, used esp. on sports clothes.
4. Theat.
a. Also called toggle rail . a wooden batten across the width of a flat, for strengthening the frame.
b. Also called toggle iron . a metal device for fastening a toggle rail to a frame.
5. to furnish with a toggle.
6. to bind or fasten with a toggle.
7. Informal. to turn, twist, or manipulate a toggle switch; dial or turn the switch of (an appliance): He toggled the TV between the baseball game and the news.
[ 1760-70; perh. var. of TACKLE ]