Meaning of TONSURE in English

/ton"sheuhr/ , n. , v. , tonsured, tonsuring .


1. the act of cutting the hair or shaving the head.

2. the shaving of the head or of some part of it as a religious practice or rite, esp. in preparation for entering the priesthood or a monastic order.

3. the part of a cleric's head, usually the crown, left bare by shaving the hair.

4. the state of being shorn.


5. to confer the ecclesiastical tonsure upon.

6. to subject to tonsure.

[ 1350-1400; ME tonsura a shearing, equiv. to tons ( us ) (ptp. of tondere to shear, clip, shave) + -ura -URE ]

Random House Webster's Unabridged English dictionary.      Полный английский словарь Вебстер - Random House .