— turpentinic /terr'peuhn tin"ik/ , turpentinous /terr'peuhn tin"euhs, -tuy"neuhs/ , turpentiny /terr"peuhn tuy'nee/ , adj.
/terr"peuhn tuyn'/ , n. , v. , turpentined, turpentining .
1. any of various oleoresins derived from coniferous trees, esp. the longleaf pine, Pinus palustris, and yielding a volatile oil and a resin when distilled.
2. Also called Chian turpentine . an oleoresin exuded by the terebinth, Pistacia terebinthus.
3. See oil of turpentine .
4. to treat with turpentine; apply turpentine to.
5. to gather or take crude turpentine from (trees).
[ 1275-1325; late ME, alter. of ME ter ( e ) bentyn ( e ) ter ( e ) bentina, for L terebinthina, n. use of fem. of terebinthinus of the turpentine tree, equiv. to terebinth ( us ) turpentine tree ( terébinthos ) + -inus -INE 1 ]