vail 1
/vayl/ , v.t.
1. to let sink; lower.
2. Archaic. to take off or doff (one's hat), as in respect or submission.
[ 1300-50; ME valen, aph. var. of AVALEN (now obs.) avaler to move down, v. deriv. of phrase a val down (lit., to the valley) ( a to ( ad ) + val VALE) ]
vail 2
/vayl/ , Archaic.
v.i. , v.t.
1. to be of use or profit; avail.
2. a tip; gratuity.
[ 1250-1300; ME; aph. var. of AVAIL ]
vail 3
/vayl/ , Obs.
1. a veil.
2. to veil.