/veuh len"shee euh, -sheuh, -see euh/ ; Sp. /bah len"syah/ or, for 2, 3, /-thyah/ , n.
1. Guillermo León /gee yerdd"maw le awn"/ , 1909-71, Colombian diplomat and statesman: president 1962-66.
2. a province in E Spain: the region was formerly a Moorish kingdom. 1,767,327; 9085 sq. mi. (23,530 sq. km).
3. a seaport in E Spain. 700,000.
4. a city in N Venezuela. 463,418.
5. a variety of the sweet orange, Citrus sinensis, originally from the Mediterranean area and cultivated extensively in Florida and California.
6. Also, Valentia /veuh len"shee euh, -sheuh/ . a female given name.