— vicarship , n.
/vik"euhr/ , n.
1. Ch. of Eng.
a. a person acting as priest of a parish in place of the rector, or as representative of a religious community to which tithes belong.
b. the priest of a parish the tithes of which are impropriated and who receives only the smaller tithes or a salary.
2. Prot. Episc. Ch.
a. a member of the clergy whose sole or chief charge is a chapel dependent on the church of a parish.
b. a bishop's assistant in charge of a church or mission.
3. Rom. Cath. Ch. an ecclesiastic representing the pope or a bishop.
4. a person who acts in place of another; substitute.
5. a person who is authorized to perform the functions of another; deputy: God's vicar on earth.
[ 1250-1300; ME vicare; OF vicaire vicarius a substitute, n. use of adj.; see VICARIOUS ]