/vee'zeuh vee"/ ; Fr. /vee zann vee"/ , adv., adj., prep., n., pl. vis-à-vis /-veez"/ ; Fr. /-vee"/ .
1. face to face: They sat vis-à-vis at the table.
2. face-to-face: a vis-à-vis encounter.
3. Numis. (of a coin) having two portraits facing each other.
4. in relation to; compared with: income vis-à-vis expenditures.
5. facing; opposite: They were now vis-à-vis the most famous painting in the Louvre.
6. a person face to face with or situated opposite to another: He offered a cigarette to his vis-à-vis.
7. a date at a social affair: She introduced her vis-à-vis to the hostess.
8. a person of equal authority, rank, or the like: my vis-à-vis in the Louisville office.
9. a carriage in which the occupants sit face to face.
10. Furniture. tête-à-tête (def. 2).
[ 1745-55; ]