/vooh"dooh/ , n. , pl. voodoos , adj., v., voodooed, voodooing .
1. Also, vodun . a polytheistic religion practiced chiefly by West Indians, deriving principally from African cult worship and containing elements borrowed from the Catholic religion.
2. a person who practices this religion.
3. a fetish or other object of voodoo worship.
4. a group of magical and ecstatic rites associated with voodoo.
5. (not in technical use) black magic; sorcery.
6. of, pertaining to, associated with, or practicing voodoo.
7. Informal ( usually disparaging ). characterized by deceptively simple, almost magical, solutions or ideas: voodoo politics.
8. to affect by voodoo sorcery.
[ 1810-20, Amer.; vandoux, vandoo vodu demon ]