wahoo 1
/wah hooh", wah"hooh/ , n. , pl. wahoos .
any of various American shrubs or small trees, as the winged elm, Ulmus alata, or a linden, Tilia heterophylla.
[ 1760-70, Amer.; orig. uncert. ]
wahoo 2
/wah hooh", wah"hooh/ , n. , pl. wahoos .
a shrub or small tree, Euonymus atropurpurea, of North America, having finely serrated, elliptical leaves and pendulous capsules that in opening reveal the bright-scarlet arils of the seeds. Also called burning bush .
[ 1855-60, Amer.; wa n hu, equiv. to wa n - arrow + hu wood, shaft ]
wahoo 3
/wah hooh", wah"hooh/ , n. , pl. wahoos , ( esp. collectively ) wahoo .
a large, swift mackerel, Acanthocybium solanderi, widespread in warm seas, of a steel blue to greenish blue above and silver below, often leaping from the water and occasionally schooling in great numbers: valued as a food and game fish. Also called peto .
[ 1905-10; orig. uncert. ]