— wassailer , n.
/wos"euhl, -ayl, was"-, wo sayl"/ , n.
1. a salutation wishing health to a person, used in England in early times when presenting a cup of drink or when drinking to the person.
2. a festivity or revel with drinking of healths.
3. liquor for drinking and wishing health to others on festive occasions, esp. spiced ale, as on Christmas Eve and Twelfth-night.
4. Archaic. a song sung in wassailing.
5. to revel with drinking.
6. to drink to the health or success of; toast.
[ 1175-1225; ME was-hail, equiv. to was be (OE waes, var. of wes, impv. of wesan to be; akin to WAS) + hail HALE 1 , in good health ( heill hale); r. OE waes hal be hale or whole. See WHOLE, HEAL ]