whiting 1
/hwuy"ting, wuy"-/ , n. , pl. ( esp. collectively ) whiting , ( esp. referring to two or more kinds or species ) whitings .
1. a slender food fish of the genus Menticirrhus, of the croaker family, inhabiting waters along the Atlantic coast of North America.
2. the hake, Merluccius bilinearis.
3. any of several European fishes of the cod family, esp. Merlangus merlangus.
[ 1400-50; late ME, perh. alter. of OE hwitling kind of fish; cf. MD witinc, of which the E may be a trans. ]
whiting 2
/hwuy"ting, wuy"-/ , n.
pure-white chalk (calcium carbonate) that has been ground and washed, used in making putty, whitewash, silver polish, etc.
[ 1400-50; late ME; cf. OE hwiting-, in hwitingmelu; see MEAL 2 . See WHITE, -ING 1 ]