/wim"peuhl/ , n. , v. , wimpled, wimpling .
1. a woman's headcloth drawn in folds about the chin, formerly worn out of doors, and still in use by some nuns.
2. Chiefly Scot.
a. a fold or wrinkle, as in cloth.
b. a curve, bend, or turn, as in a road or river.
3. to cover or muffle with or as if with a wimple.
4. to cause to ripple or undulate, as water.
5. Archaic. to veil or enwrap.
6. to ripple, as water.
7. Archaic. to lie in folds, as a veil.
8. Chiefly Scot. to follow a curving course, as a road or river.
[ bef. 1100; (n.) ME wimple, wimpel, OE wimpel; c. D, LG wimpel, ON vimpill; (v.) ME: to wrap in a wimple, deriv. of the n. ]