/win"threuhp/ , n.
1. John , 1588-1649, English colonist in America: 1st governor of the Massachusetts Bay colony 1629-33, 1637-40, 1642-44, 1646-49.
2. his son, John , 1606-76, English colonist in America: colonial governor of Connecticut 1657, 1659-76.
3. John or Fitz-John /fits"jon"/ , 1638-1707, American soldier and statesman: colonial governor of Connecticut 1698-1707 (son of the younger John Winthrop).
4. John , 1714-79, American astronomer, mathematician, and physicist.
5. Robert Charles , 1809-94, U.S. politician: Speaker of the House 1847-49.
6. a town in E Massachusetts, near Boston. 19,294.
7. a male given name.