Meaning of AGTEXE16 in English



Essentially this task provides the same Alt+Left-click feature as AGTSERV below, but for older 16-bit Windows programs, of which there are still quite a few out there (and some are a mixture of both 32-bit and 16-bit code). This task is installed by the Atomica software on Windows 9x/ME systems only. If 32-bit and 16-bit are technical terms that mean nothing to you, simply continue on to the "Recommendation" section below.

Recommendation :

You could try disabling it with Starter – if you find that you never have an instance when Alt+Left-click does not work, then you do not have 16-bit or 32-bit/16-bit programs where you need the Alt+Left-click facility and you can leave AGTEXE16 disabled, otherwise simply re-enable it.

Microsoft Windows task list Programs English glossary.      Английский словарь - Список целевых программ Microsoft Windows.