Meaning of IMONTRAY in English



System Tray icon for the Intel Active Monitor utilities that come with the chipset drivers for Intel chipset based motherboards. Asus have similar utilities – it enables you to monitor your CPU and motherboard temperature, the various fan speeds, and the voltages, all within Windows without going back into the BIOS to see such information. You can also set up alert thresholds for the software to alert you when, for example, the system temperature gets too high.

Recommendation :

If you live in a hot part of the world, or you experience very hot summers, and you have no air conditioning, then this is a very useful utility to alert you of impending overheating of your PC. It is also useful in areas or buildings with power problems and where your PC is not protected by an AVR based UPS (Automatic Voltage Regulator). In all other cases this utility is of very little practical use, so you may want to disable it with Startup Manager to reduce the System Tray clutter. Note that on laptops IMONTRAY can cause crashes if you change a PCMCIA card (PC card) while the laptop is running – if that happens to you, then disable Intel Active Monitor.

Microsoft Windows task list Programs English glossary.      Английский словарь - Список целевых программ Microsoft Windows.