Meaning of POPTRAP in English


(Trend Micro)

Background task from Trend Micro's PC-Cillin antivirus software which scans e-mails for viruses as they are being downloaded and before they hit your mailbox.

Recommendation :

In principle antivirus scanning of e-mails is essential, so you should leave this task untouched. However, we have had reports from Outlook Express users, and from AOL Tech Support Engineers, indicating problems linked directly to POPTRAP where Outlook Express, or the AOL software, freeze while downloading messages. Temporarily disabling either PC-Cillin's e-mail scanning, or PC-Cillin completely, usually immediately solves the problem, so there is a PC-Cillin bug to be aware of here.

Microsoft Windows task list Programs English glossary.      Английский словарь - Список целевых программ Microsoft Windows.