1) to establish, lay down, make (the) ~s
2) to formulate a ~
3) to adopt a ~
4) to apply, enforce a ~
5) to obey, observe a ~
6) to break, violate a ~
7) to bend, stretch a ~
8) to rescind, revoke a ~
9) a firm, hard-and-fast, inflexible, strict ~
10) a general; ground ~; the Golden Rule
11) an exclusionary ( AE ); gag; parliamentary ~
12) ( ling. ) a deletion; rewrite; substitution ~
13) a ~ against
14) a ~ for
15) a ~ to + inf. (it's our ~ not to smoke at staff conferences)
16) a ~ that + clause (they established a ~ that everyone must share the expenses)
17) (to be) against, in violation of the ~s
18) ( misc. ) the golden ~; a ~ of thumb; as a ~ ('generally'); the ~ of law
government, reign
19) to establish; extend one's ~
20) to overthrow smb.'s ~
21) benevolent; despotic; foreign; home; majority; minority; mob; popular ~
22) ~ over
23) under smb.'s ~ (under foreign ~)
straightedge, ~r
24) a slide ~
1) ( d ; intr. ) to ~ against (the judge ~d against the plaintiff)
2) ( D ; intr. ) to ~ on (to ~ on a question)
3) ( D ; intr. ) to ~ over (to ~ over a country)
4) ( L ; subj. ) the court ~d that the witness be/should be disqualified
5) ( M ) the judge ~d her to be out of order
6) ( N ; used with an adjective) the judge ~d him incompetent to stand trial