1) an excellent, outstanding; good, strong ~
2) a bad, poor, weak ~
3) day; evening; foreign, overseas ( BE ); full-time; part-time; special; transfer ~
4) a college, university; degree; graduate, postgraduate ( esp. BE ); high-school ( AE ); undergraduate ~
5) ( misc. ) a ~-teacher
USAGE NOTE: In GB , ~s usu. refer to those in post-secondary education. Younger ones are usu. called pupils . However, secondary-school pupils in Britain have begun to call themselves school ~s . In the US , the term ~s is used for those at a university and in secondary school -- college ~s , high-school ~s . Children at ( BE )/in ( esp. AE ) primary schools are usu. called pupils in the US , and almost always in GB . In CE , one can differentiate between a ~ of Freud ('a ~ of Freud's ideas') and Freud's ~ ('one who was taught personally by Freud').