1. become* cool(er); ( о ветре ) freshen (up); мор. come* (on) to blow
на улице свежеет — it is becoming cool(er) outside
ветер свежеет — the is becoming cooler
2. ( о человеке ) freshen up, acquire a glow of health
1. become* cool(er); ( о ветре ) freshen (up); мор. come* (on) to blow
на улице свежеет — it is becoming cool(er) outside
ветер свежеет — the is becoming cooler
2. ( о человеке ) freshen up, acquire a glow of health
Смирнитский. Русско-английский словарь сокращений Смирнитского. Russian-English Smirnitsky abbreviations dictionary. 2012