Русско-английский перевод ПРИНЦИПИАЛЬНЫЙ

principled употреблять в переводе с осторожностью exhibiting, based on, or characterized by principle that is usually high, righteous and proper unprincipled expediency and principled pragmatism - Time could find no principled reason for refusing - William Phillips b. 1907 - often used in combination high-principled low-principled (Webster's Third New International Dictionary ) принципиальный человек - a person of integrity, a person of moral fiber, a man of principle ( несколько помпезно ) этот принципиальный и последовательный курс - this fundamental and consistent policy принципиальный вопрос - a fundamental question по принципиальным соображениям - on principle I want to thank you for this strong and principled stand. [ ... ] This struggle is a defining moment for the United Nations itself. And the world needs its principled leadership. (из выступления президента Дж.Буша в ООН)

Русско-Английский словарь общей тематики.      Russian-English dictionary of general subjects.